Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Ten Trivia Facts About The Bahamas

1. The Coat of Arms for the Bahamas features a flamingo.

2. The capital is Nassau. Nassau had a population of 260,000 people in 2008, close to 80% of the entire population.

3. Nassau was originally names Charles Towne. In 1695, over a decade after the Spanish burned it down in 1684, it was renamed Nassau in honor of King William III of England, after the House of Orange-Nassau.

4. The Prime Minister is Huber Ingraham.

5. Baptist Christianity is the most widely practiced religion, making up 32% of the population. It is followed by Anglican Christianitywith 20% of the population and then by Roman Catholicism with 19% of the population.

6. English is the official language of the Bahamas.

7. There are 29 islands in the Bahamas, 661 cays, and 2,387 rocks (islets).

8. The flag has 3 colors: Yellow, black and aquamarine.

9. The Bahamas gained full independence on 10 July, 1973.

10. There was a population of 254,685 people in 1990. There was a population of 330,549 people in 2007.

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