Friday, July 31, 2009

Ten Famous Namesakes: Stephen

1. Stephen Edwin King: An American fantasy fiction writer (b. 21 September, 1947). Notable works include The Shining and The Tommyknockers.

2. Stephen William Hawking, CH, CBE, FRS, FRSA: A British theoretical physicist (b. 8 January, 1942). Notable works include A Brief History of Time.

3. Saint Stephen (Latin: Sanctus Stephanus): The first King of Hungary and a strong influence of Christianity in his terrority (b. circa 1967-975 - d. 15 August, 1038). He was canonized along with his son, Saint Emeric of Hungary, and Bishop Gerard of Csanád by Pope Gregory VII on 20 August, 1083.

4. Stephen of Blois: The last Norman King of England and grandson of William the Conqueror (b. circa 1096 - d. 25 October, 1154). Philippa of Hainault, the wife of Edward III of England, was a descendant of Stephen.

5. Stephen III of Moldavia: A Prince of Moldavia from 1457 to 1504 (b. circa 1432 - d. 2 July, 1504). He was from the House of Muşat.

6. Stephen of Armenia: A Marshal of Armenia and son of Prince Leo I of Armenia and Beatrice de Rethel. He had three children with his wife Rita of Barbaron, Ruben III, Leo II and Dolete.

7. Stephen of Obazine: A priest and hermit (b. 1085 - d. 8 March, 1154. He became the first Cistercian Abbot in 1147.

8. Pope Saint Stephen I: A Bishop of Rome from 12 May, 254 to 2 August, 257 (b. ? - d. 2 August, 257). He was of Greek ancestry.

9. Stephen I of Constantinople: A Patriarch of Constantinople from 886 to 893 (b. November, 867 - d. 18 May, 893). He was the son of Basil I and Eudokia Ingerina.

10. Stephen II of Hungary: A child king of Hungary and son of King Coloman and Felicia of Sicily (b. 1101 to d. March, 1131). Béla II of Hungary was blinded as a child by King Coloman so that Stephen II would take the throne.

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