Friday, July 31, 2009

Ten Trivia Facts About US State Mottos (Massachusetts to New Jersey)

1. The motto for the state of Massachusetts is "Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem." In English, it means "By the sword we seek peace, by peace only under liberty."

2. The motto for the state of Michigan is "Si quaeris peninsulam amoenam circumspice." In English, it means "If you seek a pleasant peninisula, look about you."

3. The motto for the state of Minnesota is "L'étoile du Nord." In English, it means "The star of the North."

4. The motto for the state of Mississippi is "Virtute et armis." In English, it means "By valor and arms."

5. The motto for the state of Missouri is "Salus populi suprema lex esto." In English, it means "Let the welfare of thepeople be the supreme law."

6. The motto for the state of Montana is "Oro y plata." In English, it means "Gold and silver."

7. The motto for the state of Nebraska is "Equality before the law."

8. The motto for the state of Nevada is "All For Our Country."

9. The motto for the state of New Hampshire is "Live Free or Die."

10. The motto for the state of New Jersey is "Liberty and prosperity."

Ten Famous Namesakes: Stephen

1. Stephen Edwin King: An American fantasy fiction writer (b. 21 September, 1947). Notable works include The Shining and The Tommyknockers.

2. Stephen William Hawking, CH, CBE, FRS, FRSA: A British theoretical physicist (b. 8 January, 1942). Notable works include A Brief History of Time.

3. Saint Stephen (Latin: Sanctus Stephanus): The first King of Hungary and a strong influence of Christianity in his terrority (b. circa 1967-975 - d. 15 August, 1038). He was canonized along with his son, Saint Emeric of Hungary, and Bishop Gerard of Csanád by Pope Gregory VII on 20 August, 1083.

4. Stephen of Blois: The last Norman King of England and grandson of William the Conqueror (b. circa 1096 - d. 25 October, 1154). Philippa of Hainault, the wife of Edward III of England, was a descendant of Stephen.

5. Stephen III of Moldavia: A Prince of Moldavia from 1457 to 1504 (b. circa 1432 - d. 2 July, 1504). He was from the House of Muşat.

6. Stephen of Armenia: A Marshal of Armenia and son of Prince Leo I of Armenia and Beatrice de Rethel. He had three children with his wife Rita of Barbaron, Ruben III, Leo II and Dolete.

7. Stephen of Obazine: A priest and hermit (b. 1085 - d. 8 March, 1154. He became the first Cistercian Abbot in 1147.

8. Pope Saint Stephen I: A Bishop of Rome from 12 May, 254 to 2 August, 257 (b. ? - d. 2 August, 257). He was of Greek ancestry.

9. Stephen I of Constantinople: A Patriarch of Constantinople from 886 to 893 (b. November, 867 - d. 18 May, 893). He was the son of Basil I and Eudokia Ingerina.

10. Stephen II of Hungary: A child king of Hungary and son of King Coloman and Felicia of Sicily (b. 1101 to d. March, 1131). Béla II of Hungary was blinded as a child by King Coloman so that Stephen II would take the throne.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Ten Trivia Facts About Birds

1. Chickens can absord vitamin D from sunshine.

2. The average hen lays 227 eggs a year.

3. When a group of geese are on the ground, they're called a gaggle. When they're in the air, they're called a skein.

4. The maximum speed of a chicken is 9 miles per hour.

5. It takes 40 minutes to hard boil an ostrich egg.

6. Chocolate is fatal to a parrot.

7. The hummingbird is the only bird that can fly backwards.

8. An adult turkey has about 3,500 feathers on average.

9. Harpy eagles eat monkeys.

10. An ostrich's stride may exceed 23 feet in length while the bird is sprinting or running.

Ten Trivia Facts US State Mottos (Hawaii To Maryland)

1. The motto for the state of Hawaii is "Ua Mau ke Ea o ka Āina i ka Pono." In English, it means "The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness."

2. The motto for the state of Idaho is "Esto perpetua." In English, it means "Let it be perpetual."

3. The motto for the state of Illinois is "State sovereignty, national union."

4. The motto for the state of Indiana is "The Crossroads of America."

5. The motto for the state of Iowa is "Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain."

6. The motto for the state of Kansas is "Ad astra per aspera." In English, it means "To the stars through difficulties."

7. The motto for the state of Kentucky is "United we stand, divided we fall."

8. The motto for the state of Louisiana is "Union, justice, confidence."

9. The motto for the state of Maine is "Dirigo." In English, it means "I lead."

10. The motto for the state of Maryland is "Fatti maschii, parole femine." In English, it means "Manly deeds, womanly words."

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Ten Trivia Facts About US State Mottos (Alabama - Georgia)

1. The motto for the state of Alabama is "Audemus jura nostra defendere." In English, it means "We dare defend our rights."

2. The motto for the state of Alaska is "North to the future."

3. The motto for the state of Arizona is "Ditat Deus." In English, it means "God enriches."

4. The motto for the state of Arkansas is "Regnat populus." In English, it means "The people rule."

5. The motto for the state of California is "Eureka." In English, it means "I have found it."

6. The motto for the state of Colorado is "Nil sine numine." In English, it means "Nothing without Providence."

7. The motto for the state of Connecticut is "Qui transtulit sustinet." In English, it means "He who transplanted sustains."

8. The motto for the state of Delaware is "Liberty and Independence."

9. The motto for the state of Florida is "In God We Trust."

10. The motto for the state of Georgia is "Wisdom, justice, and moderation."

Ten Trivia Facts About The Bahamas

1. The Coat of Arms for the Bahamas features a flamingo.

2. The capital is Nassau. Nassau had a population of 260,000 people in 2008, close to 80% of the entire population.

3. Nassau was originally names Charles Towne. In 1695, over a decade after the Spanish burned it down in 1684, it was renamed Nassau in honor of King William III of England, after the House of Orange-Nassau.

4. The Prime Minister is Huber Ingraham.

5. Baptist Christianity is the most widely practiced religion, making up 32% of the population. It is followed by Anglican Christianitywith 20% of the population and then by Roman Catholicism with 19% of the population.

6. English is the official language of the Bahamas.

7. There are 29 islands in the Bahamas, 661 cays, and 2,387 rocks (islets).

8. The flag has 3 colors: Yellow, black and aquamarine.

9. The Bahamas gained full independence on 10 July, 1973.

10. There was a population of 254,685 people in 1990. There was a population of 330,549 people in 2007.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ten Trivia Facts About National Anthems

1. Brazil's national anthem is "Hino Nacional Brasileiro."

2. America's national anthem is "The Star-Spangled Banner."

3. Canada's national anthem "O Canada." Canada's royal anthem is "God Save the Queen."

4. France's national anthem is "La Marseillaise."

5. Chile's national anthem is "Himno Nacional de Chile."

6. Japan's national anthem is "Kimi ga Yo."

7. Australia's national anthem is "Advance Australia Fair."

8. Egypt's national anthem is "Bilady, Bilady, Bilady."

9. Nigeria's national anthem is "Arise, O Compatriots."

10. India's national anthem is "Jana Gana Mana."